Figuring Out Addresses

Understanding address numbers is slightly complicated, but can be learned with a little practice. Remember how 5th Ave splits Manhattan right down the center? Keeping that in mind, address numbers work their way east or west away from 5th Avenue. A simple start is to explain that if you are on 13th Street on the east side of 5th Ave, you are standing on "East 13th." Similarly, if you are standing on 15th Street on the west side of 5th, you are on "West 15th." (This may help you understand neighborhood names as well, such as the West Village, or the Upper West Side.) Street address numbers work their way away from 5th Avenue in blocks of 100. The building numbers 1-99 will be in the first block on the east and west sides of 5th. In the second block, you'll find 100-199, and it goes on and on. Above is a little "map" I created to help you understand. (Click to enlarge)